We all know that sometimes accessories can either make you look like an embellished christmas tree or chic and stylistic, which all depends on how you mix and match. No matter how beautiful or delicate your jewelry looks, if you pile them up without having a theme, you will end up looking like a christmas tree and believe me that this is the last thing you want to look like.
When my outfit is plain and simple, I like to wear a statement necklace or dangling earrings depending on the collar of the top. Usually crew neck goes with statement necklaces, V neck goes with delicate necklace or dangling earrings. How about you guys?
A statement necklace does make a big difference on an outfit and it can dress up the outfit even though you are just wearing jeans. Therefore, my pictures below are gonna show you guys the difference with and without the necklace.
Lovely look!<3